Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Attitude Toward Quality Of Community Health And Social Care Essay

This chapter presents the design and research methodological analysis that was implemented to look into attitudes toward quality of community pharmaceutics services of consumer position in London. It is besides included research doctrines, research attacks, research designs, research method and informations aggregation. Finally, this chapter describes the instruments for informations aggregation and informations analysis process.3.2 RESEARCH PHILOSOPHYResearch doctrine can be defined as the development of the research background, research cognition and its nature ( Saunders and Thornhill, 2007 ) . Research doctrine defined with the aid of research paradigm. Research doctrine guides how the research is to be conducted ( Gliner and Morgan, 2000:17 ) Figure 3.1 The research onion M05NF001 Beginning: The research procedure ‘onion ‘ ( Saunders et al. , 2009 ) In direction research which province of Saunder et Al ( 2009 ) There are four research doctrines which are positivism, pragmatism, interpretivism and pragmatism ( see Figure 3.1 ) .3.2.1 PositivismThe Positivism construct is straight associated with objectivism which are collapsible shelters to roll up general information and information from a big sample of societal alternatively of concentrating on research inside informations. Ester-by-smith et Al 2006, province Positivism attack to roll up the informations chiefly related to observations and experiment. It is a free position which has a certain valued place which could be somewhat biased3.2.2 RealismRealism doctrine chiefly belief of world that are already bing in the environment. There are two chief attacks in pragmatism, which believing direct and critical pragmatism that what we sense are in direct relation to our esthesiss, it is lone portion of a bigger image.3.2.3 InterpretivismIn the field of direction research interpretiv ism can be referred as the societal constructionism. This philosophical attack research gives importance to their beliefs and value to give equal justification for a research job. Some writers use the term phenomenological instead than inter pretivist but a term of philosophical do some people confuse with a methodological analysis known as phenomenology ( Collis and Hussey, 2003 p. 47 )3.2.4 PragmatismPragmatism usage in any research can non find that which one doctrine should be used or which is better. Pragmatism is a assorted methods ( Saunder, 2009:110 ) . Harmonizing to Tashakkori and Teddie ( 1998 ) pragmatism contend the base on experiencing instead than facts or cogent evidence approaching.3.2.4 Research Philosophy JustificationFor this research, â€Å" Positivism â€Å" paradigm is the best tantrum to research job because it investigates the attitude toward quality of community pharmaceutics service of consumer position in London. Base on the Gallic Philosopher August Co mte, province that positivism paradigm agencies of understanding human behaviors.3.3 RESEARCH APPROACHResearch attack means the manner in which the research worker will form their research in effectual manner base on two attacks as shown in the given figure 3.2 Figure 3.2 Deductive and Inductive ApproachTax write-offInitiationBeginning: Create by the writer, 2013 adopted from Wyk ( PowerPoint research design and methods part1 )3.3.1 Deductive attackHussey and Hussey ( 1997:19 ) have explained the deductive attack as survey of theoretical and conceptual construction. It tested by empirical observation. Deductive attack stairss are theory, hypothesis, observation and verification informations ( see figure 3.2 ) .3.3.2 Inductive attackInductive attack is a survey of developed from the observation of empirical world to bring forth of Torahs or general form ( Hussey and Hussey, 1997 ; 13 ) . The measure of the inductive attack are observation, forms and create theory. Some research can unite utilize both inductive and deductive attacks. ( Convaye1996 ; 236 ) which the research worker can derive several advantages.3.3.3 Research Approach JustificationThis research uses the deductive attack because the survey is based on upon the bing theory with respect to measuring and experimental the attitude of the consumer or patient. This research is related to the positivism paradigm because the deductive attack is used to give acceptable concluding for a the fact and base on bing ordinances, regulation and jurisprudence ( Crowther and Lancaster, 2009 )RESEARCH DESIGNResearch design is the procedure to bespeak what type of survey was undertaken to supply acceptable answer the research inquiry. Research design needs to stipulate the beginning of the informations aggregation and demo the right ground for taking the design. There are three types of research design ; explorative research, explanatory research and descriptive research ( Saunder et al, 2009 ) ( se e figure 3.3 ) . Figure 3.3 The categorization of research intent. Beginning: Created by writer,2013 adopted from Saunders et al,2009 Exploratory research Exploratory research helps to ease the job. It is widely used in the direction research. If any information occur, the research can set or alter into the new way. The manner to carry on explorative research for illustration a hunt of literature, carry oning focal point group interviews and to interview experts. Explanation research Explanation research is a survey of the relationship between variable ( Saunder et al, 2009 ) , to propose to alter and give grounds for events ( Hart, 2006 ) 3.4.3 Descriptive research Descriptive surveies report aim to depict a common and uncommon phenomenon by detecting the the elements and study frequences, mean and per centum. ( Glatthorn and Joyner, 2005 ; 43 ) ( Hart, 2006 )3.4.4 Research design justificationThe the type of research which is the most appropriate for this research is explanatory, due to the fact that this research is evaluated of client ‘s position in community pharmaceutics services.3.5 RESEARCH METHODResearch Method is specific techniques use to roll up informations with regard to the research job. In direction research is divided into two types as figure 3.4 Figure 3.4 Types of research method Beginning: Create by the writer, 2013 adopted from Saunders et Al, 2009 3.5.1 Quantitative derives from a rationalist epistemology, which holds that there is an nonsubjective. Typically, the quantitative research emphasizes surveies the that are experimenting and hunt for a relationship. If a survey has used a quantitative position † variable, controls, dependability, hypothesis, statistically important. 3.5.2 Qualitative is a systematic, subjective attack usage to depict life experience and state of affairs and give them intending ( Munhall, 2007 ) . Qualitative research emphasizes a phenomenological position in which research of single It â€Å" embraces the position that every bit far as peoples ‘ position are concerned, there is on one individual truth â€Å" ( Hurtley and Muhit 2003 ; 103-104 ) . In other word, different people interpret things otherwise, in different topographic points at different times.3.5.3 Research Method justificationFor this survey will follow a â€Å" Quantitative â€Å" research as it intends to research consumer ‘s position in service of community pharmaceutics in London. Hence, the writer has chosen quantitative research as it the lone method that seeks to happen the reply to research inquiries related to people ‘s attitudes and beliefs, in giving contextual scene by utilizing an unfastened – terminal questionnaire3.6 RESE ARCH STRATEGIESTypically, research scheme picks will be conducted by nonsubjective and research inquiries, clip, cognition, and handiness of resource ( Saunder et al, 2009 ) . There are many research schemes that can be used in research such as Experiment ( which normally use in pure scientific research ) Action research ( normally in field experiment ) Grounded theory ( which help to explicate and foretell behavior by constructing through deductive and inductive ) Case survey ( which try to understand the existent life context and utilize a assorted of informations ) Archival research ( which focus on the past papers and administrative records ) Ethnography ( usually use with a phenomenological methodological analysis to detect of human activity forms ) Survey ( normally use with quantitative methods and big volumes of informations ) . The study scheme normally uses in concern and direction research with deductive attack. The study scheme allows the research worker to roll up quantitative informations. The research worker demand to guarantee that the sample represent the population, design and pilot instrument for roll uping the information will supply a good responds rate. ( Saunder et al, 2009 ) . There are many types of studies such as Personal Interview Surveys, Telephone studies, Mail studies and On-line studies. Figure 3.5 Comparative advantage/disadvantage of mail, telephone, interview and online study Beginning: create by the writer, 2013 adopted signifier www.zeepedia.com3.6.1 Research Strategy justificationThis research survey is influenced by a positivism paradigm, therefore, a study would be used to accomplish the aim of research in quantitative method. The study type that research worker usage is online and manus bringing aggregation.3.7 DATA COLLECTION METHODIs a specific technique usage to roll up informations with related to the research job. It depends on what type of information that needed to analyze in the research. In this research, the writer selects chiefly two methods. Fist informations aggregation method is a questionnaire for roll uping a primary information to construe and analyze determination by doing a critical analysis, mentioning to the theory and pattern. Questionnaire study is less time-consuming and cheaper than interviews, extra it is a popular for roll uping informations ( Collis and Hussey, 2003:174 ) . The 2nd research method is an observation on the medical service diary and client outlook has been done in order to organize the inquiries by looking at type of service, merchandise and criterion of druggist competencies in community pharmaceutics that are offered or need to be fitting demand of The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain ( RPSGB ) . The writer has conducted the study by utilizing self-administered questionnaires which are closed inquiries. Harmonizing to Collis and Hussey ( 2003 ) close inquiry should be used in positive attack. There are assorted ways to roll up data.These include postal studies which can be used to roll up informations when the questionnaire are easy to understand and reply ( Holt,1997 ) .Another drawback of this method is one of the lowest response rates ( Tan,2002 ) .The postal study was non adopted in this research.Personal interview was non used because the limited dependability and repeatability of research survey and this method demand trained skill interviewers. ( Tan,2002 ) .For information aggregation method of this survey manus delivered and online questionnaires conducted at different location in cardinal of London from 25th January 2013 to 9th February 2013. This on-line study was conducted by utilizing the SurveyMonkey which provides package to roll up informations. The questionnaire on-line will direct to the participant through Facebook or Twitter fan page, electronic mailing study and Web link ( SurveyMonkey, 2012 )3.7.1 Questionnaire designThe questionnaires divided into two subdivisions. The subdivision one was designed with comprised statements sing the quality of community services. The 2nd subdivision required the respondents to supply information about their background and demographics for case gender, age, income, cultural beginning, instruction, etc. A transcript of the questionnaire is shown in Appendix ASection 1. Question about Attitude toward quality of community pharmaceutics services.The inquiry will be divided into three constructs objective of the rating on measuring quality which identifies by Donabedian ‘s Theory of Quality wellness attention ; construction, procedure and result. It consisted of 24 inquiries a nd one inquiry ask about How do they normally use their pharmaceutics.The contents of the quality: constructionStaffsA specialized druggist is present at the pharmaceutics Sufficient staffs are availableFacilitiesdegree Celsius ) The waiting countries are comfy and convenience for the services vitamin D ) Consultation room is provided for a private treatment3. Topographic pointsvitamin E ) The pharmaceutics is clean degree Fahrenheit ) The pharmaceutics layout is clear and good organized4. Merchandisesg ) The medical specialties or contraptions are in stock H ) Many picks of wellness merchandise such as a nutritionary addendum, milk pulverization, medical supply, etc. are availableThe contents of quality: ProcedureGeneral servicesa ) Polite and take the clip to listen to what you want B ) Answer any questions you may hold2. Essential servicesdegree Celsiuss ) Provide advice on a current wellness the job or a long- term wellness status vitamin D ) Provide general advice on healthy life styles vitamin E ) Keep patient medicine records efficaciously H ) Provide clear label of medical specialties I ) Dispose of the medical specialties that the patients no longer necessitate3. Complementary wellness servicesdegree Fahrenheit ) Offer services such as blood force per unit area measuring or cholesterin testing, etc. g ) Offer complementary wellness service such as stylostixis, needle exchange strategies, influenza inoculation, etc.The content of quality: ResultClinical resultIncrease benefit of the medicine usage Reduce the hazard of safety of medicine usage Better your understanding about medical specialty Better your quality of lifeCostProvide medical specialties with the sensible monetary valueSatisfactionSupply an efficient service Supply a satisfactory service The questionnaire consisted close-ended inquiries and were constructed utilizing the Likert graduated table. Harmonizing to Collis and Hussey, ( 2003:184 ) the advantage of Likert graduated table is easy for the respondent to finish the statement by bespeaking their degree of sentiment and easy for the research worker to analyze the information or cryptography. The Numberss were imputed to each ground tackle, for a statistical analysis intent. The ground tackles use in Section one were: Strongly agree ( = 5 ) ; Agree ( = 4 ) ; Undecided ( = 3 ) ; Disagree ( =2 ) ; Strongly disagree ( =1 ) .Section 2. Participant itemThe socio- demographic inquiry is about gender, age, cultural beginning, business, education income and how long the participant has been populating in the UK.3.7.2 Survey bundleA screen missive for presenting the aim and the subject of the survey was delivered to each of the questionnaires ( see Appendix B ) . The missive provided an option for the participant to hold a transcript of the survey consequences and voluntary for replying the question.The participants were asked to return the completed questionnaire by research worker collection every bit early as possible.3.7.3 Pilot trialHarmonizing to Offredy and Vickes ( 2010 ) The ground of running pilot trial is that to prove the informations aggregation instruments including method and sampling in order to work out the job before the chief survey was implement.The questionnaire was pre-tested by 5 participants in order to evaluated possible barriers and to guarantee that it is comprehendible and coherent.There are remarks on the questionnaire were that some inquiry were hard to understand, some inquiry were repetitive.The statement of inquiry were reworded to better upon the pre-test questionnaires.Some participants besides suggested to do it shorter and more appealing by rearranging the questionnaire layout.3.7.4 CogencyThe content of questionnaire cogency was checked by in Pharmacy Practice. The cogency was revised before and after carry oning the pilot trial.3.8 Sampling TechniqueThere are two different ways can be used in the sampling techniques ( Saunders et al ; 2009 ) : chance and non-probability Figure 3.6 Sampling techniques. C07NF002 Beginning: Create by Saunder et Al, 20093.8.1 Probability SamplingTypically, usage for survey-based experimental research schemes ( Saunders et al ; 2009 ) . The population in chance sampling can be classified to random sampling, stratified random sampling and bunch sampling.3.8.2 Non- chance samplingThis alternate technique that selects the sample base on research subjective opinion ( Saunders et Al ; 2009 ) . This technique is easier to generated and less cost ( Jackson ; 2012 ) . Rubin and Babbie ( 2001 ) stat that it is normally used in qualitative research.The non-probability sampling can be used in research that follows mix method, quantitative and qualitative research designs.The drawback of non-probability techniques is an unequal opportunity of being included in the sample ( Fox and Bayat ( 2007:59 ) . The most popular non- chance trying such as convenience or handiness sampling, purposive sampling, self-selective sampling, quota sampling and sweet sand verbena sampling.3.8. 3 Justification of sample techniqueThe most appropriate for this research is non-probability techniques and used a convenient sampling of grownup work forces and adult females who live in London.3.9 SAMPLE SIZEThe choice of the sample for this study was based on non-probability sampling, utilizing an inadvertent sampling technique or sometime call convenience trying technique or haphazard sampling. Harmonizing to Saunder et Al ( 2009 ) there are no regulation for all non-probability sampling technique except for quota sample. In peculiar, the sample size is depending on research aim and inquiries what will be suited for the research survey within available resource ( Patton 2002 ) . Creswell ( 2007 ) recommends that, expected interviews which undertaken for general survey is between 25 and 30 interviews. There are many expressions for ciphering the require sample size.According to Anderson et Al. ( 2009 ) determined the expression as Figure 3.7 Figure 3.7 Sample size for an Interval Estimate of Population Proportion expression formula2.jpg Beginning: Created by Andeson et al.,2009Calculation for minimal sample sizeNs = 1.96 2 * ( .5 ) * ( 1-.5 ) 0.1 2 n = 96 In 2011, London population about 8.2 million with approximative 3.2 million people lived interior London and 4.9 million were staying in outer London ( London poorness profile, 2012 ) . Due to restriction of this survey with time-limited, the research worker could non attempt big figure of sample size.The sample size of this survey approximates 100 samples3.10 Data processing of questionnaire studyOnce the informations have been collected and checked, analyzing of the informations will be arranged.They were coded and entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences ( SPSS 17.0 ) . Socio-demographic informations: gender, ages, cultural beginning, instruction, income were selected for independent variables. In order to find the socio- demographic information for this research, descriptive statistic such as frequence and per centum was calculated. Attitudes toward quality of community pharmaceutics were coded strongly agree = 5, agree = 4, undecided = 3, disagree = 2 and strongly differ = 1 ) . Descriptive statistic such as mean, frequence, per centum and criterion variable was calculated. The association between socio-demographic features ( independent variable ) and attitude toward quality of community pharmaceutics services ( dependent variable ) was assessed for statistical significance utilizing the chi-square trial of association harmonizing to the aim of this research.3.11 EthicThe writer should be cognizant about ethical concerns when the the research was undertaken ( Diedericks,2012 & A ; Saunder et al.,2009 ) .The questionnaire were conducted a clear history of intent, utilizing appropriate linguistic communication that is simple to understand by participants. All informations collected will stay anon. and confidential.All paper informations roll uping usage will be destroyed by chopped paper machine. Every participant has right to retreat at any clip while finishing the questionnaires. The participant no demand to make full their names or identifiers were on the questionnaires. All informations are safely stored in a password-protected computing machine.3.12 DecisionThis chapter explains the research methodological analysis which is used in this research.In sum-up, the overall methodological analysis is based on positivism philosophy.It is more subjective instead than nonsubjective and deductive attack in footings of theory testing is implemented.Quantitative method employs the attitude questions.Data sampling and informations collection and analysis method besides reference and presented in the Figure 3.8 Figure 3.8 Represents the research procedure for this research Beginning: Created by the writer, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects of Technology in Society

Technology has automated many of the critical processes in the industry as well the household. The electronic gadgets that have entered the homes of the common man have saved him the daily household work. Our world is ever changing an advancing in the realm of science and technology. Our dreams become cornerstones for the future. These days it seems hard to escape the presence of technology. Many of us depend on it to get us through the day, to do our job, to get around, and to find certain things. While technology has brought us such a long way, could it in fact be hindering us in other ways? What happens when these same technologies we so depend on fail? Could most forms of technology just be interruptions, ways of moving us further away from each other? Could Technology cause a form of isolation? We are faced with these questions every day, whether we realize it or not. Think of the days when there were no computers and no modern means of transport. Human life was highly restricted due to the unavailability of technological applications. Daily life involved a lot of physical activity. The life of the common man of those times was not as luxurious as that of the modern times, but he was more active. Daily exercise was integrated in the routine physical activities. It was contrary to the lifestyle of today, which carries no time slot for rigorous exercise and carries laze and inactivity. Think of the days when there were no online messengers, no emails and no cell phones. Indeed the cellular technology created the miracle of enabling communication over the wireless media. The communication facilities provided by the Internet worked wonders in speeding long-distance communication but also deprived mankind of the warmth of personal contact. Emails replaced handwritten letters and communication lost its personal touch. With the means of communication available a few clicks away, the tendency of taking pains to reach the loved ones has vanished. Times have witnessed this industry evolve from mechanical scooters to automated aircrafts. Animals were the only modes of transportation in day pass. Technology was the driving force behind the creation and design of the modern-day automobiles. Bicycles evolved into scooters and sports bikes. The idea of having four-wheeled modes of transportation gave rise to the creation of cars. Modes of air and water came up, thanks to technology. Machines have automated many of the crucial industrial processes. Machines are now taking up many of the mundane jobs that were once executed by human workers. One of the most important breakthroughs for technology was the agricultural system. The agricultural system was the basis for the technology of the future. The agricultural system brought on the need for transportation, workers and even, battles over land. The need for transportation brought vehicles into the market. The need for employees brought mechanical robots into society. Battles over land brought on the need for sophisticated weapons. The agricultural system brought on a revolution. The invention of the television can bring media and other forms of entertainment into your house with video and audio combined. Before 1950, newspapers and radio were the only ways to bring media or entertainment into the house. Mass production and other job opportunities brought many people from the suburbs and farms into the city. We can now have forms of electricity directed into our houses for heating and light. Humans are more reliant on technology than ever before. All of these technological advances sound great; however, there is a negative effect to all this technology. Technology can serve to actually harm humans rather than help them. Competition between companies or even cities can sometimes make lives for humans even worse. Take for example when a city builds better and more roads to attract tourists. This actually creates more traffic, not less. Technology also changes our sense of common purpose. New inventions such as the personal computer and machines can change our lifestyles. Even things we take for granted such as the automobile have negative effects on technology. The oil needed for a car to run needs to be imported and sometimes accidents such as the Exxon Valdez incident spills many gallons of oil into the ocean. All of these examples show how technology has negative effects on society. First, competition can lead to a negative effect of technology. When a company in the U.  S. produces shoes and a company in Great Britain produces shoes as well, they must fight for their market share. Let’s say the company in Great Britain purchases more machines that will reduce the amount of workers needed and improve output, and then they can reduce the price of their product. If the company in New York doesn't follow in their footsteps then they could be forced out of business. In this case the company is forced into buying the machines just so they can stay in business. This has a negative effect on the employees who will be replaced by the new machines. When a city wants to attract tourists by building better roads to lessen traffic there is a mistake because this will only create more traffic since there will be more people wanting to travel these roads. McManus says the inability to see the future is responsible for the negative effects of new technologies. He also states better roads cause more traffic congestion, not less. By creating better roads, more people will want to travel these roads (A-1). If New York City built a new sophisticated highway to attract more tourists then more New Yorkers will want to travel these roads as well. Many New Yorkers who previously used mass transit to travel to work will now want to use a car to travel to work. In effect there will be more traffic and more pollution. There will be other side effects as well. Real estate values of areas near the highway could go down. Competition can help a community in one aspect however it can hurt it as well. Competition can directly stimulate the economy; however, long term effects such as pollution and the loss of jobs could explain why the City of New York doesn't complete a project like this. Second, technology can change our sense of common purpose. For millions of years, mankind has been used to doing everything for themselves. For a long time peoples' main concerns were survival. To survive means to go out into the woods or forests and shoot animals for the food which the family needs to eat for the day. People of modern society never think about hunting for food or clothes. Now, it is all brought to people instantly through a new standard of survival. The new standard for survival means making money to go to a mall or supermarket and getting everything a family needs. A family can get food and clothing at these places without ever having to go into a forest or a lake. This thought is ever so frightening. When a person from modern society goes into a supermarket and buys a pound of fish, he or she doesn't even think of the process that went into the arrival of that piece of fish. He or she didn't need to go to a lake, all that was needed was to drive to your local supermarket and buy it. No fishing or hunting was necessary. Humans are losing their sense of common purpose. â€Å"But what ‘revenge effect' will this have? The technology- resistance movement begins by pointing out that we are cobbling together virtual communities while our real cities crumble, at least partly because our sense of common purpose has frayed. Today, only about 5 percent of American households are on-line, but what happens, the critics wonder, when half the country is wired? Will we escape the unpleasant complications of the world outside our locked doors by opting for communities in ‘cyberspace,' where we can enjoy the company of people who share our interests and our views? Where the streets never need to be cleaned and you don't have to keep an eye on your neighbor's house? What happens if the sirens outside become too distracting? Will we simply buy insulated drapes? Humans are getting lazy. Almost everything must be done for them in advance. However, sometimes this change in lifestyle is forced upon humans. When a company decides to buy robots to do the job that man once did, and then the human is forced into either getting fired or watching the machine all day long. Hopefully humans will not get used to watching a robot do all the work for them. Technology has definitely changed the lifestyle and common purpose of many humans. Conclusion In conclusion, society has recently seen the negative effects of society. Competition between cities and companies has taken away jobs and brought unwanted and costly projects into pleasurable areas. A change in lifestyle among almost every human being is yet another negative effect of technology. What has happened to people since supermarkets came to town? People do not want to hunt for food anymore. They find it much easier to walk into a store and purchase it. A third reason why technology has a negative effect on society is the advent of highly reliant possessions such as the automobile. Many people count on traveling to work every day by car. If the car was somehow taken away from people then there would be chaos. It is much too late to take it away. Humans are much too reliant on it. There is not enough mass transit to transport all of the present car users. Hopefully, future technologies will be fully considered. We must look at the advantages and consequences and measure if society will benefit or suffer from the technology. Past technologies weren't fully considered and if they were, there is a chance that the automobile never would have gone into production.

Bata Shoes Organization Essay

BRIEF HISTORY OF THE COMPANY The business that became the Bata Shoe Organization was established on August 24, 1894 in Zlin, Czechoslovakia by Tomas Bata, and included his brother Antonin and sister Anna. Although this business was new, the Bata name had been part of a tradition of shoemaking for eight generations, spanning three hundred years. It was one of the first modern day shoe ‘manufacturers’ , a team of snitchers and shoemakers creating footwear not just for the local town , but also for the distant retail merchants. This departure from the centuries old tradition of the one man cobbler’s workshop was a brand new  concept, creating an entirely new industry. The Bata enterprise revolutionized the treatment of employees and labor conditions. Tomas consistently maintained a human focus, creating opportunities for development and advancement, and added compensation for employees based on achievement. In late 1985. Antonin was drafted into the army for compulsory military service and lift family shoe business. Also that year, Anna left the company to marry, leaving a young Tomas to build the business on his own. By 1905 Tomas had taken the new enterprise to 2200 pairs of shoes per day , produced by 250 employees – utilizing resourceful imaginations , skilled hands and modern machinery to keep up with demand. Under this ‘manufacturing’ system, productivity was greater than even before. Bata shoes were excellent quality and available in more styles than had been offered before. Demand grew rapidly in the early 1900s. Despite material and manpower shortages, cartel and the outbreak of World War 1, sales continued to increase , reaching two million pairs per year by 1917. As the enterprise prospered, so did the communities where it operated, Tomas believed that a focus on people and public service was critical for business success. The enterprise built housing, schools and a hospital near the shoemaking plant in Zlin. It provided food and inexpensive rent during very difficult times; when there was no help to be found. Bata companies alter provided rail services, construction, insurance, publishing and tannery in Zlin. Following World War 1, consumer purchasing power was very low; Tomas and his employees devised a plan to adjust to post-war economic difficulties and reduced their shoe prices. Bata stores were flooded with buyers and industry cynics were forced to follow their lead. Already exporting to other European countries, Northern Africa and the USA, the enterprise began establishing new sales organizations in these markets during the 1920s. Companies were opened in Poland, Yugoslavia, Holland, Denmark, United Kingdom and the USA. By the early 1930s, the Bata enterprise and Czechoslovakia were the world’s leading footwear exporters. â€Å"The Bata System† devised by the Zlin team, and later applied in other Bata Show Organization companies, organized operations into autonomous workshops and departments, allowing employees to contribute ideas and stimulate production, and contributed significant breakthroughs in footwear technology. BATA INDIA Bata India Limited Bata India managing director Marcelo Villagran. Incorporated as Bata Shoe Company Private Limited in 1931, the company was set up initially as a small operation in Konnagar (near Calcutta) in1932. In January 1934, the foundation stone for the first building of Bata’s operation – now called the Bata. In the years that followed, the overall site was doubled in area. This township is popularly known as Batanagar. It was also the first manufacturing facility in the Indian shoe industry to receive the ISO: 9001 certification.The Company went public in 1973 when it changed its name to BataIndia Limited. Today, Bata India has established itself as India’s largest footwear retailer. Its retail network of 1250 stores gives it a reach/ coverage that no other footwear company can match. Thestores are present in good locations and can be found in all the metros, mini-metros and towns Bata’s smart looking new stores supported by a range of better quality products are aimed at offering a superior shopping experience to its customers. And the new face of Bata India is now visible to the industry as well as its customers. Today, backed by a brand perception of experience, the company is working towards positioning itself as a vibrant and contemporary young brand. It has significantly transformed its retail formats to become more lifestyle-oriented, which has helped change consumer perceptions to a large extent. Bata India – Today ï‚ ·Ã¯â‚¬  Sells over 45 million pairs of footwear every year ï‚ ·Ã¯â‚¬  Serves over 120,000 customers every day ï‚ ·Ã¯â‚¬  Sells through over 1200 retail stores ï‚ ·Ã¯â‚¬  Operates 5 manufacturing facilities ï‚ ·Ã¯â‚¬  Employs more than 6800 people BATA’S BUSINESS UNITS * Bata Europe, Lausanne * Bata Asia Pacific-Africa, Singapore * Bata Latin America, Mexico * Bata North America, Toronto Bata is one of the world leading footwear retailer and manufacturer with operations across 5 continents managed by 4 regional meaningful business units (MBUs). The MBU approach provides quality resources and support in key areas to the companies operating in similar markets such as product development, sourcing or marketing support. Each MBU is entrepreneurial in nature, and can quickly adapt to changes in the market place and seize potential growth opportunities. Bata’s strength lies in its worldwide presence. While local companies are self-governing, each one benefits from its link to the international organization for back-office systems, product innovations and sourcing. Although Bata operates in a wide variety of markets, climates and buying power Bata companies share the same leadership points. Two important ones are product concept development and constant improvement of business processes in order to offer customers great value and the best possible service. VISION To grow as a dynamic, innovative and market driven domestic manufacturer and distributor, with footwear as our core business, while maintaining a commitment to the country, culture and environment in which we operate MISSION To be successful as the most dynamic, flexible and market responsive organization, with footwear as its core business BATA BUSINESS Bata shoe Organization companies are involved in every face of the business of shoes. Throughout the world, Bata companies service customers from the store sales floor to the factory floor. PRODUCT RANGE Marie Claire * Hush Puppies * Power * Bubble Gummers * North Star * Scholl * Weinbrenner Product range starts of Bata 299-2499. Bata start range 299 to lowest range of school shoe and highest brands of power & other product. Bata product lowest to highest range available to market. Hush Puppies – Now in India Hush Puppies are a famous shoe brand of the USA. It is so famous and pioneering that it’s sometimes referred to as a legend. This brand is owned and operated as a division by the Wolverine†¦ Bata is worst shoe maker Bata is the people who make shoes for high prices but with low quality. i bought a pair of slippers from bata named â€Å"comfit† for Rs. 749/- on may 2007. it is not compfortable at all. The slipper is made†¦ Poor quality shoes I bought one pair of leather shoes from Bata, Cochin dealer near Padma junction one year before. The product was formal shoes with laces. The shoes cost INR 1499 for me. Bata is worst shoe maker Bata is the people who make shoes for high prices but with low quality. i bought a pair of slippers from bata named â€Å"comfit† for Rs. 749/- on may 2007. High Price Poorest Quality I just happened to buy Bata shoes a week back. The item I bought was obviously overpriced, but going by the name bata I bought it at 499. Within a weeks’ usage, the shoe sole was partially ripped off! .TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS VIZ INPUTS OUTPUTS AND PROCESS FOLLOWED IN CONVERSION. In order to handle the increasing complexity of distributed industrial manufacturing systems, there is a strong demand for methods and tools that  support the designer in the analysis and optimisation of flexible infrastructures for the automation of production processes. We are currently investigating how emerging standards and advanced simulation techniques can be exploited successfully in the production of custom made shoes. Nowadays, many different approaches, methodologies and computer aided design tools can be employed in the analysis and optimization of complex industrial systems. As a consequence, the selection of the most appropriate techniques and tools for a particular system is critical. Before making any final decision, it is necessary to investigate the functionalities offered, compliancy with existing standards, and capacity for interoperability with non-proprietary instruments. We are currently working on a methodological approach to the structured design and simulation-based analysis and optimisation of manufacturing plants. The methods and tools used during the different phases of the design are illustrated with reference to an application in the shoe manufacturing sector. In particular, we describe an innovative plant for the production of customized shoes. This plant is located at the ITIA-CNR laboratory in Vigevano (Italy) and constitutes the pilot plant of a large European research project called EUROShoe, which began in March 2001 and is scheduled to finish in June 2004. | Figure 1: The Innovative Shoe Manufacturing Plant | EURO Shoe is a complex and ambitious project with thirty-five academic and industrial partners from ten different European countries. It aims at a dramatic renovation of the concept of shoes as products and of their production, based on a transformation from mass-produced to mass-customised goods. This product evolution goes in parallel with a transformation of footwear companies into distributed and flexible enterprises capable of handling the complexity that such a radical change in the nature of the product implies and of mastering the associated new technological challenges. This implies a complete revision not only of the entire manufacturing process but also of the tools used to analyse and optimize the resulting innovative industrial system. For the sake of brevity, the methods and tools used for the design, analysis and optimization of the plant automation system are outlined with reference to the control and supervision  of the transport line. In the shoe manufacturing plant that we consider (Figure 1), an innovative transport line is used to move the semi-finished shoes from one machining station to another according to a predefined operating schedule. In particular, the innovative molecular structure of the transport line (Figure 2) strongly enhances the modularity, scalability, integrability and reconfigurability of the production system, thus increasing the overall flexibility of the plant. | | Figure 2: Layout of the Shoe Plant (left) and ISaGRAF Simulation Graphical Interface (right).| At the beginning of the design life cycle, the control and supervision system of the transport line was specified by means of UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagrams; in particular use-case, class, sequence and state diagrams were used to specify the systems modules, their relationships and their dynamic behaviour. The system architecture and functions were designed using the Function Block formalism defined by the IEC 61499 standard, which integrates object-oriented concepts and discrete event models to suitably support control software design. The functional model obtained was analysed and optimized by means of closed-loop discrete event simulations performed in the Simulink/Stateflow environment, where both the controller and the controlled process were modeled and simulated through state charts, as was the behaviour of the overall system. In this way, the correctness and performance o f the solution proposed could be evaluated. In particular, a bottom up methodology was defined and exploited to study the system according to a modular approach. This enabled us to simplify the overall analysis process, to verify the correctness of the automation functionalities easily and to optimize the system performance from the very first phases of the design life cycle. Once the functional modules had been verified, the control and supervision algorithms were developed using the SFC (Sequential Functional Chart) formalism, which is an advanced discrete event modelling graphical language, directly derived from Petri nets, and included in the IEC 61131 part 3 standard, which defines programming languages for industrial PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers). The SFC algorithms were analysed through closed loop discrete simulations in the ISaGRAF environment in order to verify their correctness and to optimize their performance. ISaGRAF is a CACSD (Computer Aided Control System Design)  tool that allows the automation soft ware to be structured using all five IEC 61131 languages and supports simulation functionalities for testing purposes, as well as automatic code generation facilities for different industrial systems. In order to perform the closed loop simulations, simplified models of the plant devices have been represented in ISaGRAF by means of suitable SFC modules and data structures. Moreover, to simplify the analysis of the simulation results, a simple 2D graphic animation was realized in ISaGRAF (Figure 2). Simulations have been performed by considering typical operating conditions, ie, typical production orders, and the results obtained show that the system is deadlock free and that the plant is well balanced, ie its resources are all used effectively. After verification and optimization of the automation functions and algorithms, the corresponding code was generated and implemented on the target industrial devices. We found that the simulation-based analysis techniques reduced the plant rump-up times and costs and improved overall system performance. Future work will concern the exploitation of the standards, methods and tools proposed for other industrial plants and their integration within an advanced CACSD tool for manufacturing systems MANUFACTURING Tomas Bata’s revolutionary business concept was to industrialize the shoemaking process of that day. That type of thinking has been the driving force behind the Bata Shoe Organization success. The Bata Shoe Organization has been as innovator in the manufacturing of shoes over the years. Bata personnel have made important advances in DVP (Direct Vulcanization Process), PVC, athletic footwear production and slush – molded footwear production. 1. Raw Material Stock The raw material which includes the chemicals used for making cement adhesive,rubber latex and sole (both inner and outer),cloth(bought from Bombay Dyeing) used for making upper, material used for making binding,thread and the packing cartons etc. are stocked in the warehouse. Inventory of all the above items is properly maintained with the help of a ‘Material stock position’ chart made on the walls of the warehouse and a  computerized inventory Database. Every department has been allocated a maximum stock limit beyond which they cannot store the raw materials for themselves. It has to be used as frequently as possible. Every fortnight, the stock and usage is reviewed. The transmission of raw material from stock warehouse to respective departments is recorded and same is done with the transmission between various departments. All this data is readily available for review to all departments and can be checked anytime. Cement And Latex Manufacturing: The cement adhesive and rubber latex are the main chemicals used to paste together the different part of a shoe, are manufactured in the plant itself. Both these materials are produced keeping in mind the exact requirements and also the correct specification, which is the right mix of chemicals to make it the best pasting element and get the desired quality. 1. Sole Pull Manufacturing: The inner and outer shoe required in the shoe are also produced in-house. Huge rubber sheets measuring 3ft.x2ft. having a thickness of approx. 2 cms. are first heated to high temperature and then placed in a curing chamber for 8 minutes where they are again processed at high temperature of around 170oC. At such a high temperature the sheets expand and then sent for vulcanization where it is processed for 3 hrs. to set the shrinking limit of rubber. These sheets can be cut only after two weeks of vulcanization. This is known as seating process. 2. Making Binding: A binding is required on the outer of the shoe to bind the edges of cloth upper. This binding material is also made within the plant, using cloth. It is machne stitched onto the cloth upper. 3. Folding, Cutting And Stamping: The cloth that forms the shoe upper is produced from Bombay Dyeing. It is first folded into huge lots and then cut into pieces of uniform sizes according to the different size lots.These cloth pieces are then stamped with what may be called a batch number and the shoe size. An example of a  batch number may be â€Å"F-3218422†. In this code, F represents plant code of the Faridabad factory, 321 is the code of the particular workstation and assembly line, 8 represents the year of manufacturing, 42 the week and 2 signifies the day of the week in which production has been done.This stamping particularly helps if there is a defect found out in the shoe after sale. After stamping is done ,the upper is sent for stitiching. 4. Stitching : The cloth received after stamping is set for stitching and making it into a proper upper of the shoe. The stitching process starts with folding of the piece and stitching it in a particular fashion to give the shape of an upper. Next, it is sent for stitching the binding onto the edges of the sgoe. After the binding on the edges has been done, the shoe is transferred further where lace holes and flips used under that are stitched onto the upper. The last step in the stitching process is to put laces into the shoe, which is done by hands. The upper of the shoe is now ready to sent for assembling process. 5. Assembly: The assembly process uses a dual level conveyor belt as can be seen in the picture. A fact worth noting is that the conveyer does not have a linear arrangement of workstations; rather it is an ellipsoidal conveyer with different workstations positioned all around it. At first glance, it is not easy to comprehend as to wherefrom where the process begins. However ,a closer look reveals that fully assembled shoes are hand picked away from the conveyer at one particular point on the conveyer. Despite it unconventional designe, it is a very well organized and systematic assembly line configuration where none of the employee sit idle at any point of time , thus minimizing idle time losses. There is a parallel conveyer which basically consists of many metal shoe moulds onto which the entire shoe assembly is built. The shoe building process starts at one when one person applies cement on the inner sole and places it on the conveyer belt. The next person then applies  cement of edges of the upper of the shoe and again puts back the piece onto the conveyer, next,the inner sole is put on the upper part of the Mould and the cloth is pasted on the sole to get the exact shape of the shoe. Now ,when the shape is achieved ,the shoe is dipped into latex so that the latex covers the lower side of the shoe. It is then placed in a drying chamber to dry the latex where in the temperature is around 70oC. Once latex is dried and the shoe is taken out of chamber . It is again placed on the conveyor and the next person puts the outer sole(coated with cement) on the conveyor as well. The sole is then pasted on to the shoe tightly and pressed by a large bag containing water. This water filled bag is a part of the conveyor only and water is used to prevent the formation of air bubbles, which may leads to manufacturing defects. The person sitting next checks once again that there is no gap in the pasting. The side fixing is then pasted on the dried latex and the shoe moves on. The next employee pastes the Bata logo on the back of the shoe and also press the side foxing. On the next station, the toe guards, both side strips as well as circular one, are available to the employee. Coated with cement . Both of these are pasted on the shoe. The shoe is now prepared to be vulcanized and hence is transferred by the last worker on the conveyor , from the conveyor to the conveyor trolly. Introduction : Facility Layout means planning: a.For the location of all machine, utilities, employee work stations customer. service areas, material storage areas, aisles, restrooms, lunchrooms, internet walls, offices and computer rooms. b. For the flow of patterns of materials and people around, into, and within building. C .Infrastructure services such as the delivery of line communications, energy and water and the removal of waste water all make up basic utilities. Characteristic of facility layout decision: a.Location of these various areas impacts the flow through the system. b.The layout can affect productivity and costs generated by the system. c.Layout alternatives are limited by d.the amount and type of space required for the various areas. e.the amount and type of space available. F.the operations strategy. Objective of layout Strategy: Develop an economic layout which will meet the requirements of: a.Product design and volume (product strategy) b.Process equipment and capacity (process strategy) c.Quality of work life (human resource strategy) d.Building and site constraints (location strategy) Basic layout forms: a.Process Layout b.Product Layout c.Combination Layout d.Fixed position Layout Fixed-Position layout In fixed-position layouts, the item being worked on remains stationary, and workers, materials, and equipment are moved as needed. Fixed-position layouts are widely used for farming, firefighting, road building, home building, remodeling and repair, and drilling for oil,buildings, ships, aircrafts. Factors in Determining Layout and Design: Small business owners need to consider many operational factors when building or renovating a facility for maximum layout effectiveness. These criteria include the following: 1.Ease of future expansion or change Facilities should be designed so that can be easily expanded or adjusted to meet changing production needs. â€Å"Although redesigning a facility is a major, expensive undertaking not to be done lightly, there is always the possibility that a redesign will be necessary. Therefore, any design should be flexible. « Flexible manufacturing systems most often are highly automated facilities having intermediate-volume production of a variety of products. Their goal is to minimize change over or setup times for producing the different products while still achieving close to assembly line (single-product) production rates.† 2.Flow of movement The facility design should reflect a recognition of the importance of smooth process flow. In the case of factory facilities, the plan will show the raw materials entering your plant at one end and the finished product emerging at the other. The flow need not be a straight line. Parallel flows, U-shaped patterns, or even a zig-zag that ends up with the finished product back at the shipping and receiving bays can be functional. However, backtracking is to be avoided in whatever pattern is chosen. When parts and materials move against or across the overall flow, personnel and paper work become confused, parts become lost, and the attainment of coordination becomes complicated.† 3.Materials handling Small business owners should make certain that the facility layout makes it possible to handle materials (products, equipment, containers, etc.) In an orderly, efficient ²and preferably simple manner. FACILITY LOCATION Contact Person. Address, Bata House – 418/02, Gurgaon Mahrauli Road, Sector 17. Gurgaon 122002. Haryana. City, Gurgaon. State, Haryana. Phone, 124 4120100 1.Bata Nagar Factory Batanagar, WestBengal 2. Rubber Purchasing Dept. Kottayam, Kerala Rubber purchase and processing. 3. Bataganj Factory Bataganj,Patna Bihar Complete Manufacturing 4. Bata Tannery Mokamehghat, Bihar Leather Processing 5 . Faridabad Factory NIT, Faridabad UP Complete Manufacturing 6. Sandak Division Shivaji Marg, Sandak Sandak Footware. PRODUCTION PLAANING SYSTEM VIZ CAPASITY PLANNING, OPERATION MANAGEMENT SHEDULING ETC. PRODUCT PLANNING SYSTEM. They select their product designs according to their customer needs. And they are continuously bringing changes as the customers’ demands for new products. They are using the latest equipment and machinery to meet the customers demand and to provide them the product they need. | | Bata Production Division is going extra miles to meet ever growing production requirements of PU direct pouring and other footwear to cater the needs of our worthy customers. During the current season, the overall production is going 120% against estimates and 130% against last year. Similarly in the area of PU direct pouring, 123% production has been achieved against the estimates and 204% against last year. This milestone in production has been a result of restructuring of Maraka and Rubber Factories. A better production planning, maximum utilization of human resources and teamwork – all have been put together strategically to achieve competitive advantage in â€Å"Bata† products over the competition in the area of quality, prices and sales appeal PROCESS OF PLANING OPERATION SYSTEM, Their process consists of three parts. * Manufacturing In manufacturing are, all the raw materials are brought together and the raw material is cut into the shapes of the required products. All the pieces are cut here for the specific products. * Stitching The cut pieces of raw material are stitched here together to give the shape of the shoe. The sole is also attached to the upper portion of the shoe and all the pieces are joined together to give it the shape of shoe. * Finishing The product is then moved to finishing department where the rough look of shoe is converted in to a finished product. The shoe is polished, cleaned and all the unwanted materials are removed from it to give it a proper shape. The color and shine of the shoes are finalized here and the product coming out of this department is ready for use. * Retrenchment (Firing) As we know that Bata is a biggest firm around us and they hire the person who have the skills and ability to do work for a long time .They mainly fire people on the serious reach of agreement, misconduct, punctuality and upon not achieving their given targets and once the management has decided to fire a person they give one month prior notice to the respective employee and once the employee is fired can never be hired again. Moreover they do not conduct any exit interview. They do not believe in extending the outplacement facility to their employees. QUALITY SYSTEM, An important choice A choice of more than 3,000 items: footwear, clothing, bags and accessories, for men, women, children and sports. A very personal service Their professional specialized staff is there to help you make the best choice Product presentation All the items are clearly marked with the price, size and description of the materials used to make the product, thus saving you time and making your choice easier. Your purchase is guaranteed You have the guarantee to replace the purchased item if it is still intact and accompanied by the till receipt. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Subject matter expert and course leader, Jean-Paul Waisman from the European Group with the support of Vladimir Spelda from Central Europe and Alain Groelly from Switzerland facilitated the Euro Fast Track Merchandising module in Italy from June 3rd to 15th. 14 European participants took part in the training. The course objectives were as follows: ~To learn the â€Å"Best Merchandising Practices† in the Bata Europe Group ~To better understand the role and function of the Merchandising Department in the company ~To develop and improve skills in shoe line building ~To understand, create and utilize the Consumer Lifestyles Segmentations ~To introduce analytical tools and techniques to perform in-season and end-season analysis in order to better manage inventory ~To introduce a disciplined, standardized methodology and process to the Bata Europe’s merchandising function in order to align business performance to benchmarks The participants worked through various major business areas including: ~Analyzing the market place and all the competition ~Understanding the need for market segmentation to better identify customers’ requirements ~Building a shoeline with core and additional collections to better meet store portfolio requirements ~Planning the merchandise allocation to the stores in such a manner that stores can achieve their sales objectives ~Using various analytical techniques to optimize sales and inventory management, and to maximize profitability A professor from the Ars Sutoria University in Milan explained in detail the various shoe construction types and material including tips to recognize a â€Å"quality shoe†. The group visited stores in Venice and made a competitive market place analysis including business cases as to how to improve Bata store performance, visual display and other areas of the business. The Euro Fast Track – Merchandising Module was very successful and participants were very enthusiastic as they participated in many practical exercises including a negotiation workshop. They also had the opportunity to share their experiences with many colleagues from other BSO companies across Europe. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Bata is using its raw materials from his different suppliers. Some of the suppliers are local while some are from Indonesia. Along with their own production, they are also out sourcing for some of their products. They are keeping a check on the quality of the products from outsourcing and using their own brand name. The raw material coming from their suppliers are stored in the warehouses. These raw materials are then moved to the production area, where the production is being done and the finished good are moved towards warehouse again for storage after proper quality inspection. They are their own distributers and they have their own stores all over INDIA. They have four types of store concepts. * City Store The Bata City Store gives you unique shopping experience as it showcases the latest collections for footwear of local and international brands. The store ambience is designed to create a lifestyle store that reflects and responds to your needs and expectations. The Bata City stores are located in top shopping malls in big city centers. * Family store Bata is the world’s leading family chain thanks to the wide assortment of every fashion footwear available in our stores. The products are primarily  the Bata brand, with a carefully selected assortment of articles from both local and international brands. * Superstore Bata Superstore offers a wide assortment of fashion, casual and athletic for the entire family. Located primarily in urban and suburban shopping center, these spacious stores offer the best value by providing good quality shoes at great prices. Service is fast thanks to a self-selection shopping environment with qualified staff to serve and assist. * Factory store Factory stores are the largest and the most value-oriented stores of our retail chain. They are ideally located in power centers, commercial parks and outlet centers with easy parking facilities. The product selection offers more than 1,000 styles of ladies, men, children and sport shoes with related accessories and apparel sold at attractive price points. It is based on a self-service concept with helpful staff available for service at any time. It appears to me that Bata was very far in the direction of micro managing. I do not believe he would have been much fun to work for. But it would have been a rewarding experience, not just from the point of view of finances, but rather like having a very demanding teacher. You do not enjoy the experience at the time but you look back on the experience with a certain fondness. You realize that you grew under the stress; that you were stretched and it was good for you. Bata tried to make the need for such micro-management less by the way he developed his system for setting pay and rewards. He said: â€Å"I was seeking a method which would work automatically as the sun rises and the sun sets.† He wanted to wind the company up and then let it run without his attention. In this system, every work unit was engaged in ‘buying’ and ‘selling’ goods and services to and from other work units. The prices were established by a central accounting office and were not negotiable. The ‘customer’ for the  product or service dictated the quality and schedule. Naturally the setting of these prices was subjected to considerable discussion and debate. However, all of the facts and figures used in setting the prices were available to the work unit so they had a basis for their side of the debate. The prices were set with due regard for prices of similar products which might be available on the open market. Work units were not constrained to buy only from within the company. What made the Bata system different from other methods of cost accounting was the agreement that if the workers could devise an improved method, which reduced waste, improved times of delivery and produced a profit beyond expectations, the workers could share in this profit. In other words, Bata produced a system which encouraged each work unit to become more entrepreneurial. Bata had a larger purpose. He intended for each worker to become much more conscious of the economics of the factory, to relate the results of the enterprise to his own fortunes and to become a more responsible guardian of wealth. For Bata the system of internal transacting was more than a way to run the company; it was a way to train people to become fiscally responsible in their own lives. BIBLOGRAPHY http://www. www.product http://www.bata manufacturing process. MORE FREE TERM PAPERS ON SITE:

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Real World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Real World - Essay Example I have otherwise come across a good number of students who have graduated and landed in jobs they did not even study or plan for. It is therefore obvious that there is the great difference between life in the real world and the college life. What am I going to do? Right now, it is a really difficult question because I have no idea what I am going to do in the real world. As a freshman in the society, it may be hard to fit in the real world environment as I expect. I am not different from other students or youths who love talking about their future, hopes and prospects. I major in marketing and I believe the marketing skills I got from college are enough to make me sail through. I can relate well with people both back in my homeland or in any other part of the world because of my skills. I got very wonderful communication skills that may help me interacting with anyone be it a senior manager or just a junior employee of any company globally. My parents always say,† It is time fo r you to face the real world and you should find your personal value.† Actually, I am kind really afraid of the real world because people often say that the real world is cruel. Although I am so excited about finishing school life, the experience of facing the real world is a bit scary. Indeed facing outside world is very hard to students who previously depended on their parents. College life is a bit enjoyable compared to the real world. It seems that there are several challenges faced by graduates in the real world that are largely different from the college or campus life. One of the greatest challenges faced in the real life is the job market experience which is very different from the college or campus life. In the real world, we need to learn how to build a good relationship between our manager and co-workers. I believe I am well placed and ready to successfully work as a marketer for any product be it my own products. We also need to learn how to communicate with other people because it is not easy like when we were in school. According to my personal experiences, when people get old it is very difficult to find good friends. Also, I would like to show others why I am different than other people and show my personal value to them. Personally, I am very socializing in nature and therefore I can create friends as fast as possible. After graduating from the University, I would like to find a job as soon as possible because I want to learn the new rules for the real world. I think if I combine my newly acquired skills from the books and the many skills at work then I will completely fit into the new world. Sometimes, the real world is just like a melting pot that can change people’s personality. However, everything has two sides; we cannot just focus on the negative side. The only thing is that we need to do our best in everything so that we do not regret in future. We need to face life the way it is and find the appropriate remedy for every ch allenge without leaving anything to chance. In addition, when I get into the real world I will improve on my communication skills with the society, work in the group and build self-confidence since these elements are very useful particularly to the employers. I feel that it is vital for a fresh graduate to collect various experiences and avoid choosiness when it comes to job selection.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critical Approaches to Human Resource Management Essay - 2

Critical Approaches to Human Resource Management - Essay Example Only then, the dominance and position of the organization, operating in any segment, might retain in the market for a longer period of time among other contenders. However, in order to do so, it is quite essential to communicate within them in order to know their inner desires and likings. After knowing the inner desires and feelings, the management of the organization might act accordingly in order to accomplish it. As a result, the performance of the employees might get enhanced and it may improve the productivity and total sale of the organization.   Other than this, in order to retain the experienced staffs for the longer period of time, implementation of effective training methods is also highly effective in nature. By doing so, the inner skills and talents of the employees might get enhanced that may augment his or her career objectives as well. Moreover, due to the execution of various types of training programs, the level of efficiency of the employees’ improves in such a extent that may amplify its portfolio in the market among many other rival contenders. Due to execution of varied types of training programs, the level of satisfaction and inner morale of the employees improves that declines the scope the turnover rate. This essay mainly describes the topic, whether the amounts of revenue spend over training is effective or in-effective (Beardwell & Claydon, 2010, pp. 223-245). After analyzing this concept with the help of various approaches of HRM, a final opinion is attained as conclusion. The term training is described as the systematic improvement of the knowledge, skills, attitude and behavior of an individual so as to fulfill the assigned duties and responsibilities in an effective way. Only then, the level of performance and productivity of the employee might get enhanced and may amplify the profit margin of the organization. Due to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History 1949-1960 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History 1949-1960 - Essay Example This was used in the observation of outer space, including galaxies and distant planets. In the same year, an American banker, John Biggins invented credit cards, which initiated the use of plastic money for expenditures. Later, the transistor, a device used to switch electronic signals, was invented in 1947 by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. In the same year, a number of tests led to the invention of a supersonic aircraft. This increased the speeds of airplanes from transonic to supersonic. Still in 1948, cable television came into being from the diligence of John and Margaret Walson. The year 1952 saw the origination of airbags as safety gadgets in automobiles. Barcodes and artificial hearts were also technological improvements in the same year. In the computer world, the hard disk drive was discovered in 1952. This appreciably augmented the memory capacity of computers. These and many more hundreds of inventions market the high-tech innovations in America between the year 1946 a nd 1960. Naturally, technological advancements had substantial effects on America. America’s economy grew considerably because it was able to process superior goods through a short and efficient production process (Saul, 1970). New ways of production were initiated, and new products produced. Consumers were able to get low-cost high quality goods. Technological developments also led to urbanization as people moved into America from the outside world to take up the new jobs that were accessible. There was also an extraordinary migration from the rural to urban areas as people looked for jobs, according to Saul (1970). Cities began to enlarge because they had to accommodate the large incursion of people immigrating into the city. In addition, technological advancement also enhanced substructure. Transportation was upgraded as better roads, and faster rail came to place (Mollenkopf, 1983). The improvement of air transport also meant that people could travel to other continents

Friday, July 26, 2019

Introduction to marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Introduction to marketing - Assignment Example These include government rules, regulations and policies that impact on the business environment. According to Georgiev’s (2013, p. 4) study, these policies and regulations include tax policies, trade and labour laws, trade restrictions, tariffs, environmental laws and regulations, infrastructure and development policies. On the same note, political stability is also a critical factor that affects both the economy and the business. From these factors, it is clear that the political factors impact on the daily operations of businesses. This requires that businesses prepare to respond to the current, as well as anticipated future legislations, in order to adjust their marketing policies accordingly. These factors relate to the economy and affect how an entity conducts its business and their profitability. These factors include inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, economic growth, and disposable income of consumers and businesses. An entity has no control over these factors, and it only adjusts its business strategies, commercial and financial policies to benefit most from the prevailing economic conditions. These denote the social-cultural factors and include the shared beliefs and attitudes and can affect the business strategies positively or negatively. They include the demographic aspects such as religious beliefs and social stigmas, age distribution, employment and income statistics, education and career trends, overall general attitude, and population growth rate. These factors have a great impact on the operation of an entity since poor strategies, especially those which go against the societal norms face opposition, criticism protests and even negative publicity. A marketer must, therefore, understand individuals based on age as well as the whole society and what drives them to making a purchase. These factors are brought about by the technological landscape changes in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case analysis - Essay Example This tool permits a systematic and disciplined evaluation of internal and external factors. Equally appropriate for the present case is the PESTEL tool using which, one can analyze the political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal angles, in order to test strategy options. PESTEL factors substantially deal with the external situation within which a company has to operate. De Beers’ strengths lie in its knowledge of the industry in all its facets – from mining to retail marketing of jewels – and the controlling interests it had created through subsidiaries, cross holdings and trading practices. However, this very breadth of monopolistic operations has drawn adverse public attention. Discovery and development Political situation in Africa where De Beers has its major mining interests has been undergoing significant change since dismantling of apartheid. Socio-economic factors like poor pay and working conditions, child labor and inadequate welfare measures are issues of concern for public. While it is in the forefront of exploiting technology in operations, degradation of natural environment, particularly in opencast mining operations, puts additional responsibility on the company. Anti-trust laws and ban on child labor practices add to its cup of PESTEL woes. De Beers are in the company of other global companies like Microsoft, MacDonald and Wal-Mart in terms of sweep of operations and breadth of controversies. Microsoft is accused of suffocating competition, MacDonald of unsustainable use of packing materials and Wal-Mart of exploiting cheap labor in China and other Asian countries in its bid to offer lowest cost products. Leveraging its knowledge and technology, the company has to enhance efficiency of operations, both vertically and horizontally. Acquiring rights for mines in new areas

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Environmental Threats in Order of Decreasing Importance Assignment

Environmental Threats in Order of Decreasing Importance - Assignment Example The increase in temperatures is also linked with unsolicited changes in global climate, resulting in natural calamities such as floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes. This problem is very important to consider because global climate change not only results in natural calamities that damage human properties, lives, and agriculture but also results in damage to the ecosystem. Many areas have reported a loss of biodiversity and imbalances in ecosystems because even subtle changes in the natural climate cycles cause immense damage to many ecosystems and the species that thrive in them. The problem of global warming and its associated global climate change can be eliminated if we live a responsible lifestyle by minimizing our carbon footprint and adopt technologies that have minimum fossil fuel usage, and carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. II - Loss of species and ecosystems Pollution by humans and human activities, and encroachment of natural lands for human settlement and other purposes ha s caused severe losses to ecosystems and species. Loss of many species and, their ecosystems has resulted in a great loss of biodiversity. Many species are currently under threat of extinction. The loss of species and ecosystems is very dangerous as it directly affects the survival of life on the entire planet. Sometimes the loss of a single important species may damage the entire ecosystem. Such losses have global implications. In order to avoid loss of species and ecosystems, it is important to avoid pollution and land encroachment that destroys species habitats and negatively affects natural ecosystems. Better preservation strategies should be employed for species protection and everyone should be made aware of the importance of protecting vulnerable ecosystems and organisms. III - Global overpopulation Human population is multiplying rapidly and the resultant drain on earth’s natural resources is increasingly becoming a cause of concern.  

What is job analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is job analysis - Essay Example Part of the reason for this is that managers feel that they have been familiar with the content of the social sciences, human nature, since their childhood as opposed to, say, the content of nuclear physics or microbiology. This leads managers to rely on what they perceive as their experience-based knowledge of human nature in personnel decision making. Job analysis is a systematic process for acquiring objective and detailed information about jobs. It is not a single methodology but a generic term representing a range of techniques. The data gathered may be in the form of information on job tasks, roles, and job holder attributes relevant to job performance (p. 9). In organization, the role of job analysis has encountered managers who do seem to have developed considerable insight into human behavior. As a result of long years of watching successful and unsuccessful performers in particular positions, they can now make well-informed guesses as to which employee will be successful in those positions. This discerning ability, however, is likely to be specific to the positions and could not be effectively applied to organizational development programs for employees in different occupational specialties and levels of organizational functioning. Job analysis is crucial for effective recruitment because it allows certain standardization of job description. To effect the standardization and control for which procedures are designed, they are presented in a specific format conveying information for a particular action to be taken. The achievement may be only one step in a series of steps or the entire series. Once formalized in this way, job analysis procedures need to be followed clearly to achieve their objectives. Sometimes exceptions in job analysis may be made to a formalized process, but in that case the manner of making an

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Comparison of Conrad Josephs Heart of Darkness and Ford Coppola A Essay

The Comparison of Conrad Josephs Heart of Darkness and Ford Coppola Apocalypse Now - Essay Example Unlike in the film, Marlow harboured no ill intentions towards Kurtz (Willard set out to kill Kurtz). He chose to honour Kurtz by delivering his letters to their specific recipients (Conrad 55). Coppola based his film in Vietnam during the war era, which contrasted the novels setting. Conrad's novel was set deep in the heart of Central Africas Congo. The contrast in the plot, main characters’ names and setting represent more obvious, overt differences between the novel and film. One can describe both Marlow and Willard as determined, focused individuals whereby unforeseen challenges did not deter them from their specific missions. The fact that they were both able to meet Kurtz attests to their extreme determination. For example, Marlow remained hopeful about his journey despite finding the ship assigned to him wrecked and in need of repairs, which were likely to take a long time whereas Willard persevered the volatile and brutal conditions present in Vietnam during the war (Coppola; Conrad 30). In addition, both characters held leadership positions; Marlow was the soon-to-be captain of the ship assigned to him by the Ivory Company whereas Willard served as a Captain in the US Army Special Operations unit. However, Willard and Marlow had contrasting personalities. Willard was more brutal whereby he exhibited psychotic behaviours that were inhumane; for example, he brutally murdered Kurtz with a machete and departed from the gruesome scene unremorseful. Despi te the fact that Willard was simply following orders, his choice of execution method and lack of sympathy indicated a heightened predisposition to engage in brutal, psychotic tendencies. On the other hand, Marlow was more compassionate, as he empathized with others; for example, he chose to lie about Kurtz’s last words when he delivered the letter to Kurtz’s widow who was distraught almost one year after her husband’s demise. In addition, he did not refuse to deliver Kurtz’s letters despite his disapproval of Kurtz’s lifestyle, which encompassed instilling fear among the barbaric native population who resorted to worshipping him.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Process of Making a Simple Metallic Water Bucket Essay Example for Free

The Process of Making a Simple Metallic Water Bucket Essay While there are many designs of water buckets in the market made of either plastic or metal, there is the universal design that manufactures tend to use with modifications put in order to create a distinction between this manufacturer and the others. This universal design is the V-shaped bucket, which has got the bottom circumference slightly smaller than the top circumference. Those made of plastic may have or may not have a lid, but the metallic ones do not have lids unless in extreme cases. In a metal-work workshop there are dangerous tools and materials which can cause fatal injuries if the proper safety precautions are not adhered to; therefore one should carefully follow the instructions -that govern the use of any tool. The procedure of making a simple metallic bucket may vary from one manufacturer to another but generally it involves four stages namely; (1) Measurement and Marking stage; (2) Cutting stage; (3) Folding stage, and; (4) Joining Stage. In the MEASUREMENT stage, the correct sizes of the parts that make up the bucket i. e. the bottom part, the curved part that forms the body of a bucket, and the handle are measured and marked on metallic sheets. A metallic measuring tape, inside and outside calipers, and marking knife will be most appropriate tools used in this stage. The measured and marked parts are then carefully CUT using either a cold chisel or metal-work scissors depending on the density of the metal sheet. The next stage involves FOLDING of the cut pieces in order to prepare them for the final stage. Pliers, anvil, measuring tape, and metal-work hammer are the most appropriate tools in this stage. The folded metal pieces are then JOINED together using the most appropriate joint i. e. that is simple and can hold on for along time, double seamed joint may be preferred than riveted joint. The handle is also fixed at this stage; a curved handle may be used because it tends to resist breaking rather than that with edges. Assignment #2 Definition of abstract nouns Nouns to be defined: Loyalty, Bravery, Shyness, Faith. Loyalty: Human beings were created in the image of God, they were given the authority to subdue the earth and they were given rules that governed their relationship with God, among these rules were that they should not eat the fruits of the tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden. God expected them to be faithful (loyal) to him, however, they were deceived by the devil into eating the forbidden fruits and as a result they were heavily punished. In almost every activity we undertake are governed by rules and regulations which we are bound to follow, the Loyalty, devotion, dependent, honest or faithfulness to a cause, thing, person, or to the set rules ensures that we do not rub shoulders with the setting authority or even we do not get punished (suffer). The concept of loyalty is a crucial element of moral ethics that govern the lives of human beings, all the other virtues that makes up a morally upright human being has got their origin to loyalty. For instance, if one is loyal to his/her creator then definitely s/he will love others, help those with problems, respect others etc, in short s/he will be an all round person in regards i. e. being loyal to both earthly and heavenly rules. Jesus Christ asserted that no one should serve two masters at the same time, because s/he will end up loving the one more while hating the other, s/he will devote much time to the one and despise the other. [Mathew 6:24] He explained that serving two masters at the same time will lead to a state of double mindedness and therefore undermine loyalty to a cause. [James 4:8] This therefore forms the basis of loyalty; the very act of showing a hundred percent devotion, faithfulness†¦ to a cause. Disloyalty is the opposite of loyalty; its meaning is therefore the complete opposite of the meaning of loyalty! Assignment #3 Comparing and Contrasting Soccer vs. Hockey Soccer or football is one of the oldest sports believed to have originated from the ancient Greece when young boys used to kick the bladders of slaughtered animals. [historyofsoccer. net/] On the other hand, Hockey, basically referred to as â€Å"the ball and stick game† was played since ancient times in diverse places like Egypt, Scotland, South America and Rome. [historyofhockey. net/] The two sport disciplines vary greatly in many aspects. Using the sequencing method of comparing and contrasting, these variances can be best depicted. Soccer is a sport that is played by eleven players using feet, head, chest and hands for a normal play duration of 90 minutes (divided in two halves of 45 minutes each), while hockey is played by eleven players using sticks, for normal match duration of 70 minutes ( divided in two halves of 35 minutes each). Soccer pitch is larger in size as compared to hockey pitch with measurements ranging from, 100-110m as length and 64-75m as width while hockey pitch measures 75m as length and 35m as width. Soccer ball is made of leather or synthetic material and it is filled with pressure while hockey has a cork that is small in size and it is made of hard material. Soccer players wear jerseys, shorts, shin guards, socks and boots with long studs with the goalkeeper wearing gloves in addition to those other attire, while in hockey a players jerseys, shorts, shin guards, socks and boots with short studs with goalkeeper wearing an helmet, chest guard, loin guard, shin guards, gloves, and large plastic footwear as the extra protective attire. Whereas kicking of the ball is one of the major skills in a game of soccer, in hockey kicking of the cork is a gross violation except when done by a goalkeeper. In soccer aerial balls (passes) are allowed while in a game of hockey balls which are above the waist are considered as dangerous play and are usually penalized. Soccer is run by the FIFA (federation international de football association), while hockey is run by the FIH (federation of international hockey). Assignment #4 Summarizing References: New International Bible, accessed on January 26, 2009 Hokey history, available; http://www. historyofhockey. net/, accessed on January 26, 2009 Soccer history, available at; http://www. historyofsoccer. net/, accessed on January 26, 2009

Sunday, July 21, 2019

My English Language Journey English Language Essay

My English Language Journey English Language Essay My first experience of learning the English language was challenging, demanding, interesting and satisfying. My education in English began at home with my parents communicating with me in English. While my mother was a full time homemaker (housewife), my father was a banker. Since my mother spent most of her time at home, I was able to learn English language more from my mother. My father on the other hand, was the sole bread winner of our family. Nevertheless, whatever time he could muster from his busy schedules, he devoted that to teaching me the English language. This was indeed an advantage for me as I was able to learn the English language from them through our conversations and by listening to the words they spoke to me. Therefore, both my parents were responsible for imparting the education of English language to me. Accordingly, I consider it as a blessing to be born and raised in an English educated family. My first experience at learning English at school After going through one of the best cycles of childhood development, my first baby steps to school started at the age of 5 when I joined the kindergarten. Kindergarten was an entirely new experience for me because of the change in the environment. Also, this was the first time when I was away from my parents. As a result, though I was a bit hesitant initially, but soon I started interacting with new kids of my age. My experience of learning the English language at kindergarten was different than learning English at home because I was exposed to new and sophisticated learning tools. These new education methods included alphabets, writing and image recognition. I remembered that my teacher taught me alphabets at school by showing me a list of alphabets on a piece of cardboard and pronouncing each letter in the list of alphabets. The teacher would then instruct us to read the alphabets aloud by following her pronunciation. After doing that the teacher would then test our memory retentio n by telling us to independently read the alphabets, first in sequence and then in random fashion. The sequence method would be from A to Z and the random method would be any alphabet that the teacher pointed to us. Besides gaining exposure to alphabets, I also learnt new words through image recognition techniques at the kindergarten. I still remember looking at an image of a duck that my teacher pointed to me. Thereafter, she told me to repeat the word duck based on the image shown. In fact I found that learning words through image was easier than listening because of the strength and power of visual characteristic. Moreover, my teacher also taught me to write alphabets and words by looking at the existing alphabets and words taught during the classroom discussion and written in the study guide. Besides, the English language education at the kindergarten was fun and enjoyable with learning through alphabets-memory games. My primary school experience At the age of 7, I entered a new phase of erudition when I joined a primary school. Again this was an altogether new and unparalleled experience for me. As a primary school student, I was taken to a new level of knowledge in learning English. During my primary classes 1 and 2, I remember writing short simple texts such as stories and poems. One of the stories that I wrote was the shoe maker and the Alps. I wrote this story based on the original book story of the shoe maker and the Alps. I truly enjoyed the experience of this challenging task of rewriting and creating the story in my own words. Another interesting challenge in this story writing task was that the number of words required was limited to 150 only. This made me test my mental faculties and write a compelling and believable story within the limited words. These were certainly the best formative years in my learning of the English language. Learning higher rules of English Upon completing my primary school education, I joined the secondary school at the age of 13. It is imperative to mention that at the secondary school and during my form 1, 2 and 3, I had learnt how to ask and answer questions. In addition, I had also learnt to read a variety of different texts. Moreover, I remember when I was in 4th grade, my teacher taught us English with mock spelling tests. So I always memorized various new words and their spellings. This habit inculcated by my teacher in 4th continued for the future too. Furthermore, at a later stage, I began learning fundamental concepts and rules of English grammar. I have gained a fairly good understanding of the usage of an before a vowel. As I moved up to primary classes, 3, 4 and 6, I learnt how to use interesting expressions to write short stories and poems persuasively. Apart from this, I was also exposed to learning higher rules of grammar that are more advanced than the ones in primary classes 1 and 2. I must mention th at my English reading and speaking skills were tested during this time. Moreover, I found that this level of education in English language helped me to improve my reading as well as analytical skills for answering questions. I could see myself growing with confidence in replying to questions in English. With this level of education in English, I was progressing with my interpersonal skills too. Books, Conversations and Films: Valuable for learning English My parents and teachers instilled in me the habit of reading a lot of books. As a result of reading more books, I was able to enhance my vocabulary with each passing day. Furthermore, I was inculcating and developing different writing skills such as articles, composition, dialogue and summaries. When I was in form 4 and 5, I had to analyze situations and find appropriate counter responses. This involved a lot of research, analysis and brainstorming which eventually stimulated me to become more analytical. In addition, one of my most important English learning activities has been conversation. I made friends in class and we spoke about a lot of things at length. The experience of conversing on diverse topics has been very precious to me as it inspired me to improve my communication skills in English. Another of my most enjoyable English language learning experiences has been watching TV. Watching English films helped me a lot to improve my pronunciation, accent and speech in English. Besides, English news channels such as CNN and BBC have been very useful in building the foundation of my English language. Overall, I learnt the nuances of sentence construction, sentence structure, syntax, parentheses and much more through my English language education so far. For the most part, learning English language has been an interesting and a challenging journey for me owing to all the cycles that I have gone through to achieve a certain level of proficiency in English. I have also come to a conclusion that the method of teaching will vary depending on the age factor. I deem that while children will enjoy when learning is fun, the more mature English learners will focus more on self development. Whatever the means and methods be, I believe a learner is always eager to learn English. With English as a tool by my side, I can surely aim to reach the high echelons of my education and career.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

What Is Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Essay

What Is Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Essay Healthy lifestyle, which means healthy physical and mental health, may be one of the treasures that everyone is chasing. AIA Singapore today announced findings of the AIA Healthy Living Index Survey which show that almost all Singaporeans agree healthy living is important. However, citizens living in the modern society may not lead a healthy lifestyle, because people might be stuck with heavy work and pressure. The poor eating diet, sedentary habit and lack of rest directly result in the unhealthy condition. Seriously, the unhealthy lifestyle may cause disease and mortality. Understanding healthy lifestyle is urgent. What is healthy lifestyle? Healthy lifestyle is the way of living which keep mans health in a good condition. A healthy lifestyle always consists of a good diet, adequate exercise and sufficient quality rest. 1. A good diet Eating healthily does not mean to intake strict amount nutrition every day, to stay unrealistically thin, or to separate you from favorite food. A good diet consists of healthy drinking diet and eating diet. A health corporation called Mayo Clinic (2012) said the adequate water intake for a healthy man is roughly 2.2 liters per day which is far more than 7 bottles. Water can be carrier of the chemical materials in our bodies. If you do not intake enough water, your body will not carry out the particular functions and easily result in tiredness. According to Pandalache (2012) healthy eating is having food feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible. 2. Adequate exercise Exercise can be an important and functional tool ranging from releasing stress and depression to preventing disease and strengthening bodies. Healthy exercise habit means proper amount and time. Research news from Roberts (2010) suggests that 15 minutes exercise a day can boost life expectancy by three years and cut death risk by 14%. Heavy exercise may not benefit your body. According to research (Bumgardner, 2012) on lung function, body rhythms, temperature, and hormone levels, the best time to exercise is around 6 pm. If you can keep a normal exercise habit every day, healthy body is not far away. 3. Sufficient quality rest. Chasing health lifestyle, healthy sleeping is one of the most essential factors. Generally speaking, sleeping is a process for our nerve and body to recover. According to an article (Smith, Robinson Segal, 2012), keeping a regular sleep schedule and eating right and getting exercise can easily give you a high quality sleep. Adults should sleep at least 6 hours a day to keep body getting enough rest. Keeping healthy needs lots of knowledge. Are the people educated well healthier? We carry out a research to find the lifestyle of undergraduates at National University of Singapore (NUS). 2. Methodology The interviewers were divided into 6 groups which were in charge of different faculties. Each group went to a particular faculty and selected respondents randomly. Respondents included 103 undergraduate-student volunteers, some of whom are attending the exchange courses in NUS. Initially, the participants were requested to complete a questionnaire (appendix 1). Afterwards, they were interviewed a few questions; and finally all the data were collected together and analyzed. Here is the information of respondents ¼Ã… ¡ And the relevant questionnaire is attached in the Appendix 1. 3. Results and Discussion The purpose of this research is to find how healthy NUS undergraduates are. As a healthy lifestyle is determined by dietary habits, exercise routines and rest patterns, the report will introduce the results in three parts. 3.1 Dietary habits Our data about drinking water are as follow: Figure 3.1.1 How many bottles of water do you drink every day? (250ml per bottle) Figure 3.1.2 how often do you eat breakfast? Figure 3.1.1 shows the response to the question How many bottles of water do you drink every day? (250ml per bottle) As we can see, only 9.71% of the respondents said that they drank more than 7 bottles. In contrast, 90.29% said less than 7 bottles. This latter finding (percentage) is alarming; especially nearly half chose less than 4 bottles. According to Mayo Clinic (2012), the adequate water intake for a healthy man is roughly 2.2 liters per day which is far more than 7 bottles. Water is the base of life, and it can be carrier of the chemical materials in our bodies. Additionally, when you do not intake enough water, your body will not carry out the particular functions and easily result in tiredness. Hence, there are needy to be better persuading undergraduates to drink more water. The table 3.1.2 shows the results of the question How often do you eat breakfast? The column on the very left indicates that 9 out of 103 interviewers never eat breakfast. In contrast, the very right column shows that nearly 37% respondents have breakfast very regularly. It can be seen from the column that most respondents chose the medium extent. University undergraduates might often surrounded by various tasks, ranging from presentation to research report. The heavy assignments may contribute to the irregular breakfast. Particularly, maybe the engineer students are blessed with the heaviest work, fewest engineer undergraduates have breakfast regularly. In addition, breakfast provided the energy for the whole morning; hence, undergraduates need to consume breakfast more regularly. 3.2 Exercise routines Our data about exercise time are as follow in figure 3.2.1 Figure 3.2.1 what time do you often exercise? Figure 3.2.2 how often do you exercise every week? The subject of this table Figure 3.2.1 is the time when do the graduates exercise mostly. And Figure 3.2.2 shows the response of the frequency of exercise. As we can see, around 45.63% of the respondents exercise at 3:00-9:00pm. However, there still exists several students chose morning or late at night. Also the gram shows 51.46% of the interviewees said they exercise once a week or less than that. It can be seen in general, NUS undergraduates exercise between 3:00 pm to 9:00, as the arrangement of the lectures may contribute to this. Probably because the compulsory courses may usually arranged in the morning or at noon, and the respondents may be free in the evening. Luckily, this might be one of the causes of graduates healthy exercise habit, as according to scientific research, doing exercise in this period may benefit most of people. However, the frequency may be alarming, as according to BBC news (Roberts, 2010), exercise 15 minutes every day is minimum for health. Again, the h eavy school work may contribute to this frustrating frequency. To conclude, there is a need for NUS undergraduates to exercise more. 3.3 Sleep patterns Our data about sleep are as follow: Figure 3.3 do you often wake up during the night? If yes, how many times do you wake up from sleep on average? From figure 3.3, we can see that the data are presented in descending order, with the highest number listed at the very left column and the lowest number listed at the very right column. More than 65% respondents never woke up and the rest mainly chose woke up 1-2 times. These findings is extremely satisfying, especially most undergraduates never woke up which means high sleeping quality. Again, the heavy work may contribute to the high sleeping quality, as NUS students generally sleep late with tired body and easily to fall asleep. Scientifically (Smith, Robinson Segal, 2012), almost everyone wakes up at night, but few can remember later unless people with mental disease. Hence, the NUS undergraduates sleeping quality is extreme high. 4. Conclusion In conclusion, the results of this study provide some amazing insights into the healthy lifestyle of NUS undergraduate students, including the diet, exercise and sleeping. Contrary to what we predicted, the undergraduates may not be so healthy. Though the academic work is important, heath is much more essential. On the other hand, if one is taking a long test or working long hours at a tedious task that requires strong body, one may be break down without healthy body. The mixed results of this study suggest that undergraduates should concentrate more on their health. 5. Reference AIA. (2011). Despite low Healthy Living Index score, Singaporeans desire remains strong for a better quality of life for themselves and their families AIA Healthy Living Index survey also shows Singaporeans believe companies should play a bigger role in helping their employees lead healthier lives Retrieved November 13, 2012, from Mayo Clinic. (2012). Water: How much should you drink every day? Retrieved November 13, 2012, from Pandalache, A.(2012). HEALTHY EATING WHAT IS IT? Retrieved November 13, 2012, from Roberts, M. (2011). 15-minute daily exercise is bare minimum for health. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from Bumgardner, W. (2012). The Best Time of Day to Walk and  Exercise. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from Smith, M., Robinson, L. Segal, R. (2012). How to Sleep Better TIPS FOR GETTING A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from 6. Appendix Appendix 1 The interview questionnaire Survey on Lifestyle of NUS Undergraduates We are pre-matriculation students in the SM2 program (NUS) doing our research project as partial fulfillment of our English module. The objective of the survey is to gather information on the lifestyles of NUS undergraduates. (Please circle the correct options) Faculty: __________________ Gender: M / F Nationality: Singaporean / Others __________________ Race: Chinese/Malay/Indian/others _____________ Year: 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th How long do your meals usually last? (tick the appropriate box) Breakfast Lunch Dinner Less than 20 min 20 to 40 min 40 to 60 min More than 60 min How much water do you drink every day? (assume a bottle = 250 ml) Less than 4 bottles 4 to 7 bottles More than 7 bottles Do you eat the following meals every day? (you may circle as many as apply) Breakfast between breakfast and lunch Lunch Afternoon tea Dinner Food taken late at night Are you regular in eating your breakfast? Never eat it 1 2 3 4 5 Very regular Mostly, what time do you exercise in a day? 4a.m.10a.m. 10a.m.3p.m. 3p.m.9p.m. 9p.m.12p.m. Others. When is it?____________ How long do you exercise each time on average? Less than 15 minutes 15-30 minutes 30-90 minutes More than 90 minutes How many times do you do sports every week? A. 0 ~ 1 time B. 2 ~ 4 times C. 5 ~ 7 times D. More than 7 times Which group of sports do you prefer? Group A: Walking, Jogging, Skating, Swimming, Cycling, Taiji, Body Mechanics; Group B: Racing, Weightlifting, Muscle Training, Long Jump High Jump, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, almost all kinds of oppositional movements Greatly prefer Group A 1 2 3 4 5 Greatly Prefer Group B How much of your day do you spend sitting? 11. Do you often wake up during the night? If yes, how many times do you wake up from sleep on average? A. I never wake up during the night. B. Wake up 1-2 times. C. Wake up 3-4 times. D. More than 4 times. How much time do you need to fall asleep? A. less than 7 minutes B. 7 -30 minutes C. 30-60 minutes D. more than an hour 13. Do you play with computer or your cellphone in bed before sleeping? A. everyday B. very often but not everyday C. sometimes D. seldom or never Thank you very much for your participation!